Tuesday, March 1, 2011

God wants you to know.....

I have become increasingly alarmed at the number of Christians who are using the facebook application, "God wants you to know." This is a daily posting from who knows where that is supposedly a word from God for you.  The messages are normally fairly generic and benign, touchy-feely words.  Harmless, right? Here is my concern - who is behind these messages? Do you know? Is it a Christian? Is it an Atheist? Under whose authority does this person speak? Have you noticed how amazingly similar it is to a horoscope?

A few years ago I warned the people of my church about those messages as I was seeing more and more of our congregation subscribing to them.  The messages are "nice", but they are not scripturally sound.  Did you here what I said? The are NOT true to scripture. They are enticing words of mens wisdom.  Feel good little nuggets of junk that we swallow hook, line and sinker.  It's easier to download an application than to spend time seeking God. WOW~

It's like this, if you are in construction, it is of vital importance that whatever you build remain in plumb.That is lined up and in balance.  Thus the level.  Me, being the not-so-attentive-to-detail-want-to-get-it-done-fast person in our household, I look at a level and think, "Eh, close enough." My spouse, however, having been in the engineering field most of his life says, "No way! Once you get off the bubble, everything is out of balance and now compromises the structure." I would never intentionally compromise - I just didn't want to do the work! No one wants to live in a building that is not level and is structurally compromised.

Let's apply this to our lives.  How do born again, often Spirit-filled, believers fall for this stuff? The answer is sad.  It's because the do not know the Word of God.  They have sat in church most of their lives being spoon fed solid Biblical teaching but have never become a scholar of the Word.  Rather than to read the Bible, they want someone else to just tell them what it says. What a tragedy!  Then along comes the newest thing; a speaker, a book, a prophet, and suddenly these good people are chasing after, listening to and believing anything that is being spoken. That scares me to death. That is how we get spiritually off the bubble and start building our spiritual lives out of plumb with God's plan for us which is outlined in His manual.

Mark 20:21-23 says "Then if anyone tells you 'Look, here is the Messiah,' or 'There he is' don't believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones. Watch out! I have warned you about this ahead of time."

Can I also caution you?  The latter days are going to get harder and harder if you do not know the Word of God.  It will sustain you through difficult trials. It will feed your spirit during times of spiritual drought. There is going to be an increase in people rising up to say that they are prophets, teachers or scholars.  Be careful to know the Word so that you can discern what is truth and what is not. God has given you every tool you will need to survive. USE THEM.  Check your spiritual plumb line often to make sure you are in balance.

Oh - and get rid of that application. If you want to know what God wants you to know, ask Him.  You have access to the real deal.  Why seek counterfeits?


  1. This is so good!! - Dallas

    I get concerned when I see this too. Thanks for taking the time to write it out.

  3. YES. Amen, amen, and amen again! Thank you!

  4. Spot on! What a challenge these last days will be. What an amazing privilege we have to commune with the Creator.
